Jacob C Blake1,2
b. 3 June 1849, d. 4 October 1913
Last Edited=9 Oct 2014
- Relationship
- Great-grandfather of Joseph Michael Flint
Jacob C Blake also went by the name of J. C. He was born on 3 June 1849 at Marietta, Washington County, Ohio.
On 2 July 1879 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the New Mexico Herald published the following: "Mr. Blake, just south of the plaza on Pacific street, has a fine stock of harness and saddles which he is offering way down for cash. He makes his own goods, which is a sufficient guarantee of their durability and excellence. Mr Blake makes carriage trimming a specialty." There was also an advertisement for the business on page 1.
This appears to be the beginning of Jacob Blake's Saddle and Harness business in Las Vegas.
14 April 1880 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Black in the Assessment Book of San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1455. His personal property was valued at $1455, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $7.29 territorial tax, $3.63 county tax, $3.63 school tax.6
On 2 June 1880 Jacob C Blake was enumerated on the 1880 U. S. census for Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory as Jacob C Blake, 32 years old, birthplace of Ohio, occupation of Saddle & Harness Maker. Father born in Ohio. Mother born in Ohio.7
On 23 June 1880 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory,The Daily Optic published an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. C. Blake located on Pacific Street. At the bottom of the ad was a line for Blake and Kelly, Albuquerque N .M.8
On 27 July 1880 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the Las Vegas Daily Gazette published an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. C. Blake still located on Pacific Street. There was also mention of a location in Albuquerque. (Note the same advertisement appeared in this newspaper a month latter on 27 Aug 1880).9
On 26 August 1880 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory,The Daily Optic published an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. C. Blake still located on Pacific Street. There was no mention of an Albuquerque location.10
On 20 September 1880 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory,The Daily Optic published an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. C. Blake now located on the south side of the Plaza at Heise's old stand. There was no mention of an Albuquerque location.11
1881 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1880. His personal property was valued at $1880, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $9.40 territorial tax, $4.70 county tax, $4.70 school tax.12
On 2 March 1881 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory,The Daily Optic (Las Vegas, New Mexico) published the following: "An Albuquerque butcher bought a set of fine harness of J. C. Blake yesterday. He could not get what he wanted at home." There was also and advertisement in this issue for the business. The business was still located on the south side of the Plaza at Heise's old stand and there was still no mention of an Albuquerque location.
On 20 September 1881 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the Las Vegas Daily Gazette published an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. C. Blake still located on the South side of Plaza. On the same page there was an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. J. Kelly in Albuquerque as successor to Blake and Kelly. There appears to have been a short lived partnership between J. C. Blake and J. J. Kelly.14
On 4 December 1881 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the Las Vegas Daily Gazette published the following: "J. C. Blake has removed his harness shop from the plaza to Shupp's building, east of the bank. He now has more room to accommodate his largely increased stock and growing business. He employs the best workmen and can fill orders for harness, saddles, etc., promptly and satisfactorily.
1882 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blacke in the Assessment Book of San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $3015. His personal property was valued at $3015, his real property was valued at $1. He owed: $15.07 poll tax, $7.53 territorial tax, $7.53 county tax.16
On 2 September 1882 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the Las Vegas Daily Gazette published the following: "Mr. J. C. Blake has sold his harness shop on Bridge street and will engage in the stock business. He has a good bunch of cattle to commence with."17
The Albuquerque and Las Vegas Business Directory for 1883 listed Jacob C Blake as J. C. Blake a harness maker at 166 Bridge Street, Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory (By the time this was published in 1883 J. C. Blake had already sold his harness business and gone into the cattle business).18
1883 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico. His property was assessed with a total value of $1589. His personal property was valued at $1589, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $7.945 territorial tax, $3.975 county tax, $3.975 school tax.19
On 20 March 1883 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the Las Vegas Daily Gazette published the following: "J. C. Blake and M. J. Murphy, of the cow rancho near Roswell, are here visiting friends."20
1884 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $2180. His personal property was valued at $2180, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $10.90 territorial tax, $5.45 county tax, $5.45 school tax.21
1885 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $2480. His personal property was valued at $2480, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $12.40 territorial tax, $6.20 county tax, $6.20 school tax as well as an additional $9.38 to pay off bonds for a total of $35.22.22
1886 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1725. His personal property was valued at $1725, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $8.62 territorial tax, $4.31 county tax, $5.17 school tax as well as an additional $5.69 to pay off bonds for a total of $24.79.23
1888 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1650. His personal property was valued at $1650 which included 6 horses valued at $150 and 150 cattle valued at $1500, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $8.25 territorial tax, $4.13 county tax, $4.95 school tax as well as an additional $9.67 to pay off bonds and other taxes for a total of $28.00.24
1889 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $2160. His personal property was valued at $2160 which included cattle valued at $1800, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $19.47 territorial tax, $14.58 county tax, $6.48 school tax.25
1890 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1170. His personal property was valued at $1150 which included cattle valued at $1000, his real property was valued at $20 consisting of $20 of improvements. He owed: $10.58 territorial tax, $7.02 county tax, $3.51 school tax.26
1891 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Eddy County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1445. His personal property was valued at $1245 which included cattle valued at $1050, his real property was valued at $200 for lot 6 block 23 Eddy 1st Addition. He owed: $13.72 territorial tax, $15.31 county tax, $2.89 school tax.27
1892 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Eddy County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1050. His personal property was valued at $1050 which included cattle valued at $875, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $7.27 territorial tax, $9.77 county tax, $3.16 school tax for a total tax of $20.20.28
1893 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Eddy County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1067. His personal property was valued at $1042 which included cattle valued at $812, his real property was valued at $20 for improvements. He owed: $12.15 territorial tax, $12.80 county tax, $2.14 school tax for a total tax of $27.09.29
1894 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Eddy County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1090. His personal property was valued at $1040 which included cattle valued at $750, his real property was valued at $50 for improvements. He owed: $8.83 territorial tax, $11.63 county tax, $2.18 school tax and 1.75 in other taxes for a total of $24.39.30
1895 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Eddy County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1925. His personal property was valued at $1850 which included cattle valued at $1600, his real property was valued at $75 for improvements on public land. He owed: $15.72 territorial tax, $15.39 county tax, $4.81 school tax and $7.12 in other taxes for a total of $43.04.31
Jacob C Blake married Martha Ella Barrett, daughter of Aaron Hezekiah Barrett and Elizabeth Lee, on 17 September 1897 at Beaver County, Oklahoma Territory. Probate Judge Charles Tracy officiated. Robert Dickson and L. M. Larsen were the official witnesses.32
On 21 July 1898 in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory,The Flagstaff Gem published the following: "In this issue of the gem is to be found the advertisement of J. C. Blake. This gentleman has recently purchased Aston & Ramsauer's stock of harness and saddlery in this city and has added a large stock to the same. He solicits and deserves a liberal share of the patronage, as his prices are reasonable and he carries the largest and most complete stock in Northern Arizona."33
J. C. Blake on 28 July 1898 purchased property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory from T. H. Ramsaur and Eva M Ramsaur [a saddle and harness store] for $700. Described as 25 [feet] off the west end of Lots 19 and 20 in Block 4 of the Railroad addition in the Town of Fagstaff. Also described as 25 feet fronting on Aspen Avenue by 50 feet south running parallel with the alley.
 . Witnessed by T. E Pulliam Notary Public.34
J. C. Blake on 13 August 1898 purchased property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory from James W Thurber and Elcy D Thurber [a home] for $150. Described as Lot 2 of Block 8W of the School Land Townsite of Flagstaff and Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of Block 97 Townsite of Flagstaff.
 . Witnessed by T. E Pulliam Notary Public.35
J. C. Blake on 22 November 1898 sold property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory to Martha Ella Barrett [a home] for $400. Described as Lot 2 of Block 8W of the School Land Township of Flagstaff and Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of Block 97 Township of Flagstaff.. Witnessed by T. E Pulliam Notary Public.36,37
Jacob C Blake was enumerated on 6 June 1900 as head of household on the 1900 U. S. census for Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory as Jacob C Blake, Head, Married for 3 years, Born May 1849 in Ohio, occupation of Harness Maker, 0 Months Unemployed. Could read. Could write. Could speak English. Owned a House which was Free and Clear. Father born in Vermont. Mother born in New Hampshire.. Also enumerated in the household were Martha Ella Barrett, Elmer J Blake and Ernest C Blake.38
On 28 December 1901 in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory,The Coocnino Sun published the following:
J. C. Blake
See images of the Blake home over the years between 1902 and 2005 at Flagstaff, Arizona.
Jacob C Blake was registered to vote on 25 April 1902 at Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory.40
Jacob C Blake was registered to vote on 26 June 1906 at Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory.41
Jacob C Blake on 6 April 1907 purchased property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory from J. S. Sanchez, C. W. Cobb and Julia Cobb for $175. Described as Lots 11. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 97 in the Townsite of Flagstaff.. Witnessed by Albert de Baer Vice Deputy Counsel-General and A. R. Stubbs Consular Agent.42
Jacob C Blake was registered to vote on 24 July 1908 at Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory.43
Jacob C Blake was enumerated on 19 April 1910 as head of household on the 1910 U. S. census for Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory as Jacob C Blake, 61 years old, Head, Married 1st for 12 years, birthplace of Ohio, occupation of Harness in the Saddle industry, Working on Own Account. Could read. Could write. Owned a House. Father born in Ohio. Mother born in Ohio.. Also enumerated in the household were Martha Ella Barrett, Elmer J Blake, Ernest C Blake and Athol Barrett Blake.44
Jacob C Blake on 15 January 1912 obtained property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory by means of a Trustee's Deed from Robert J Kidd Trustee, Flagstaff Townsite. Described as Lot 1 in Block 8W of the townsite of Flagstaff.. Witnessed by N. J. Layton Clerk of the District Court.45
Jacob C Blake and Martha Ella Barrett on 6 February 1912 sold property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory to Pio Gortani and Nicolas Gortani for $1 and other good and valuable considerations. Described as Lot 1 Block 8W of the Townsite of Flagstaff, Also Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 of Block 97 of the Townsite of Flagstaff.. Witnessed by C. B. Wilson Notary Public.46
Jacob C Blake and Martha Ella Barrett on 6 February 1912 sold property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory to Pio Gortani and Nicolas Gortani for $1 and other good and valuable considerations. Described as Lot 2 Block 8W of the Townsite of Flagstaff, Also Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of Block 97 of the Townsite of Flagstaff.. Witnessed by C. B. Wilson Notary Public.47
J. C. Blake and Martha Ella Barrett on 3 April 1912 sold property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory to W. H. Switzer for $1 and other good and valuable considerations. Described as 55 feet of the West end of Lots 19 and 20 Block 4 Rail Road addition to the Town of Flagstaff. Witnessed by C. B. Wilson Notary Public.48
On 12 April 1912 in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona,The Coocnino Sun published the following:
Business Changes Hands
Jacob C Blake died on 4 October 1913 at Milton Hospital, Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona, at age 64.3,50,51,1
Jacob C Blake was buried on 6 October 1913 at the Masonic Section of Citizens Cemetery, Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona,
On 10 October 1913 in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona,The Coconino Sun published the following:
Mr. J. C. Blake Passes Away
On 21 November 2009 in Seattle, King County, Washington, Joseph M Flint wrote the following:
Finding the Gravesite of Jacob C. Blake
By Joseph M Flint

On 2 July 1879 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the New Mexico Herald published the following: "Mr. Blake, just south of the plaza on Pacific street, has a fine stock of harness and saddles which he is offering way down for cash. He makes his own goods, which is a sufficient guarantee of their durability and excellence. Mr Blake makes carriage trimming a specialty." There was also an advertisement for the business on page 1.
This appears to be the beginning of Jacob Blake's Saddle and Harness business in Las Vegas.

14 April 1880 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Black in the Assessment Book of San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1455. His personal property was valued at $1455, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $7.29 territorial tax, $3.63 county tax, $3.63 school tax.6

On 2 June 1880 Jacob C Blake was enumerated on the 1880 U. S. census for Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory as Jacob C Blake, 32 years old, birthplace of Ohio, occupation of Saddle & Harness Maker. Father born in Ohio. Mother born in Ohio.7

On 23 June 1880 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory,The Daily Optic published an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. C. Blake located on Pacific Street. At the bottom of the ad was a line for Blake and Kelly, Albuquerque N .M.8

On 27 July 1880 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the Las Vegas Daily Gazette published an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. C. Blake still located on Pacific Street. There was also mention of a location in Albuquerque. (Note the same advertisement appeared in this newspaper a month latter on 27 Aug 1880).9

On 26 August 1880 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory,The Daily Optic published an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. C. Blake still located on Pacific Street. There was no mention of an Albuquerque location.10

On 20 September 1880 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory,The Daily Optic published an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. C. Blake now located on the south side of the Plaza at Heise's old stand. There was no mention of an Albuquerque location.11

1881 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1880. His personal property was valued at $1880, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $9.40 territorial tax, $4.70 county tax, $4.70 school tax.12

On 2 March 1881 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory,The Daily Optic (Las Vegas, New Mexico) published the following: "An Albuquerque butcher bought a set of fine harness of J. C. Blake yesterday. He could not get what he wanted at home." There was also and advertisement in this issue for the business. The business was still located on the south side of the Plaza at Heise's old stand and there was still no mention of an Albuquerque location.

On 20 September 1881 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the Las Vegas Daily Gazette published an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. C. Blake still located on the South side of Plaza. On the same page there was an advertisement for the Saddle and Harness business of J. J. Kelly in Albuquerque as successor to Blake and Kelly. There appears to have been a short lived partnership between J. C. Blake and J. J. Kelly.14

On 4 December 1881 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the Las Vegas Daily Gazette published the following: "J. C. Blake has removed his harness shop from the plaza to Shupp's building, east of the bank. He now has more room to accommodate his largely increased stock and growing business. He employs the best workmen and can fill orders for harness, saddles, etc., promptly and satisfactorily.

1882 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blacke in the Assessment Book of San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $3015. His personal property was valued at $3015, his real property was valued at $1. He owed: $15.07 poll tax, $7.53 territorial tax, $7.53 county tax.16

On 2 September 1882 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the Las Vegas Daily Gazette published the following: "Mr. J. C. Blake has sold his harness shop on Bridge street and will engage in the stock business. He has a good bunch of cattle to commence with."17

The Albuquerque and Las Vegas Business Directory for 1883 listed Jacob C Blake as J. C. Blake a harness maker at 166 Bridge Street, Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory (By the time this was published in 1883 J. C. Blake had already sold his harness business and gone into the cattle business).18

1883 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico. His property was assessed with a total value of $1589. His personal property was valued at $1589, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $7.945 territorial tax, $3.975 county tax, $3.975 school tax.19

On 20 March 1883 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, the Las Vegas Daily Gazette published the following: "J. C. Blake and M. J. Murphy, of the cow rancho near Roswell, are here visiting friends."20

1884 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $2180. His personal property was valued at $2180, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $10.90 territorial tax, $5.45 county tax, $5.45 school tax.21

1885 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $2480. His personal property was valued at $2480, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $12.40 territorial tax, $6.20 county tax, $6.20 school tax as well as an additional $9.38 to pay off bonds for a total of $35.22.22

1886 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1725. His personal property was valued at $1725, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $8.62 territorial tax, $4.31 county tax, $5.17 school tax as well as an additional $5.69 to pay off bonds for a total of $24.79.23

1888 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1650. His personal property was valued at $1650 which included 6 horses valued at $150 and 150 cattle valued at $1500, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $8.25 territorial tax, $4.13 county tax, $4.95 school tax as well as an additional $9.67 to pay off bonds and other taxes for a total of $28.00.24

1889 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $2160. His personal property was valued at $2160 which included cattle valued at $1800, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $1 poll tax, $19.47 territorial tax, $14.58 county tax, $6.48 school tax.25

1890 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1170. His personal property was valued at $1150 which included cattle valued at $1000, his real property was valued at $20 consisting of $20 of improvements. He owed: $10.58 territorial tax, $7.02 county tax, $3.51 school tax.26

1891 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Eddy County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1445. His personal property was valued at $1245 which included cattle valued at $1050, his real property was valued at $200 for lot 6 block 23 Eddy 1st Addition. He owed: $13.72 territorial tax, $15.31 county tax, $2.89 school tax.27

1892 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Eddy County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1050. His personal property was valued at $1050 which included cattle valued at $875, his real property was valued at $0. He owed: $7.27 territorial tax, $9.77 county tax, $3.16 school tax for a total tax of $20.20.28

1893 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Eddy County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1067. His personal property was valued at $1042 which included cattle valued at $812, his real property was valued at $20 for improvements. He owed: $12.15 territorial tax, $12.80 county tax, $2.14 school tax for a total tax of $27.09.29

1894 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Eddy County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1090. His personal property was valued at $1040 which included cattle valued at $750, his real property was valued at $50 for improvements. He owed: $8.83 territorial tax, $11.63 county tax, $2.18 school tax and 1.75 in other taxes for a total of $24.39.30

1895 Jacob C Blake was recorded as J C Blake in the Assessment Book of Eddy County, New Mexico Territory. His property was assessed with a total value of $1925. His personal property was valued at $1850 which included cattle valued at $1600, his real property was valued at $75 for improvements on public land. He owed: $15.72 territorial tax, $15.39 county tax, $4.81 school tax and $7.12 in other taxes for a total of $43.04.31

Jacob C Blake married Martha Ella Barrett, daughter of Aaron Hezekiah Barrett and Elizabeth Lee, on 17 September 1897 at Beaver County, Oklahoma Territory. Probate Judge Charles Tracy officiated. Robert Dickson and L. M. Larsen were the official witnesses.32

On 21 July 1898 in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory,The Flagstaff Gem published the following: "In this issue of the gem is to be found the advertisement of J. C. Blake. This gentleman has recently purchased Aston & Ramsauer's stock of harness and saddlery in this city and has added a large stock to the same. He solicits and deserves a liberal share of the patronage, as his prices are reasonable and he carries the largest and most complete stock in Northern Arizona."33

J. C. Blake on 28 July 1898 purchased property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory from T. H. Ramsaur and Eva M Ramsaur [a saddle and harness store] for $700. Described as 25 [feet] off the west end of Lots 19 and 20 in Block 4 of the Railroad addition in the Town of Fagstaff. Also described as 25 feet fronting on Aspen Avenue by 50 feet south running parallel with the alley.

J. C. Blake on 13 August 1898 purchased property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory from James W Thurber and Elcy D Thurber [a home] for $150. Described as Lot 2 of Block 8W of the School Land Townsite of Flagstaff and Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of Block 97 Townsite of Flagstaff.

J. C. Blake on 22 November 1898 sold property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory to Martha Ella Barrett [a home] for $400. Described as Lot 2 of Block 8W of the School Land Township of Flagstaff and Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of Block 97 Township of Flagstaff.. Witnessed by T. E Pulliam Notary Public.36,37

Jacob C Blake was enumerated on 6 June 1900 as head of household on the 1900 U. S. census for Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory as Jacob C Blake, Head, Married for 3 years, Born May 1849 in Ohio, occupation of Harness Maker, 0 Months Unemployed. Could read. Could write. Could speak English. Owned a House which was Free and Clear. Father born in Vermont. Mother born in New Hampshire.. Also enumerated in the household were Martha Ella Barrett, Elmer J Blake and Ernest C Blake.38

On 28 December 1901 in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory,The Coocnino Sun published the following:
J. C. Blake
J. C. Blake who himself engaged in the cattle business for a number of years in Oklahoma and New Mexico, and from intimate knowledge thus gained of the needs of horsemen and cattlemen, has established a thoroughly equipped saddle and harness shop, with everything required by them. His years of experience in working with leather and horse equipment, is invaluable to his customers, and he is at all times ready to furnish them with the very best materials to be found in his line.
That the people of this vicinity realize his worth, is envinced by the steady growth and increase in his business. He came to Flagstaff a little over three years ago, but in that short period has established a name for himself and his work that may well be envied
.39That the people of this vicinity realize his worth, is envinced by the steady growth and increase in his business. He came to Flagstaff a little over three years ago, but in that short period has established a name for himself and his work that may well be envied

See images of the Blake home over the years between 1902 and 2005 at Flagstaff, Arizona.

Jacob C Blake was registered to vote on 25 April 1902 at Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory.40

Jacob C Blake was registered to vote on 26 June 1906 at Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory.41

Jacob C Blake on 6 April 1907 purchased property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory from J. S. Sanchez, C. W. Cobb and Julia Cobb for $175. Described as Lots 11. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 97 in the Townsite of Flagstaff.. Witnessed by Albert de Baer Vice Deputy Counsel-General and A. R. Stubbs Consular Agent.42

Jacob C Blake was registered to vote on 24 July 1908 at Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory.43

Jacob C Blake was enumerated on 19 April 1910 as head of household on the 1910 U. S. census for Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory as Jacob C Blake, 61 years old, Head, Married 1st for 12 years, birthplace of Ohio, occupation of Harness in the Saddle industry, Working on Own Account. Could read. Could write. Owned a House. Father born in Ohio. Mother born in Ohio.. Also enumerated in the household were Martha Ella Barrett, Elmer J Blake, Ernest C Blake and Athol Barrett Blake.44

Jacob C Blake on 15 January 1912 obtained property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory by means of a Trustee's Deed from Robert J Kidd Trustee, Flagstaff Townsite. Described as Lot 1 in Block 8W of the townsite of Flagstaff.. Witnessed by N. J. Layton Clerk of the District Court.45

Jacob C Blake and Martha Ella Barrett on 6 February 1912 sold property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory to Pio Gortani and Nicolas Gortani for $1 and other good and valuable considerations. Described as Lot 1 Block 8W of the Townsite of Flagstaff, Also Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 of Block 97 of the Townsite of Flagstaff.. Witnessed by C. B. Wilson Notary Public.46

Jacob C Blake and Martha Ella Barrett on 6 February 1912 sold property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory to Pio Gortani and Nicolas Gortani for $1 and other good and valuable considerations. Described as Lot 2 Block 8W of the Townsite of Flagstaff, Also Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of Block 97 of the Townsite of Flagstaff.. Witnessed by C. B. Wilson Notary Public.47

J. C. Blake and Martha Ella Barrett on 3 April 1912 sold property located in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory to W. H. Switzer for $1 and other good and valuable considerations. Described as 55 feet of the West end of Lots 19 and 20 Block 4 Rail Road addition to the Town of Flagstaff. Witnessed by C. B. Wilson Notary Public.48

On 12 April 1912 in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona,The Coocnino Sun published the following:
Business Changes Hands
W. H. Switzer has purchased the harness and saddlery business from J. C. Blake and will hereafter conduct the business. A competent harnessmaker has been employed and will look after the mechanical end of the business. Mr Blake, who retires from the enterprise, has been engaged in the business in Flagstaff for a considerable time and wants to take a much needed rest, as his health is not all that could be desired. He will probably engage in some other occupation which will enable him to be out-of-doors most of the time.
The Sun bespeaks for the new proprietor a successful business.
49The Sun bespeaks for the new proprietor a successful business.

Jacob C Blake died on 4 October 1913 at Milton Hospital, Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona, at age 64.3,50,51,1

Jacob C Blake was buried on 6 October 1913 at the Masonic Section of Citizens Cemetery, Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona,

On 10 October 1913 in Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona,The Coconino Sun published the following:
Mr. J. C. Blake Passes Away
Mr. Jacob C. Blake passed away at the Milton hospital Saturday morning after a protracted illness. With a broken heart added to the illness wracking his body, he gradually grew worse until death relieved his sufferings.
Mr. Blake was one of nature’s noblemen, always a staunch friend in need and a citizen whose passing is a distinct loss to Flagstaff.
All that mortal hands could do was done by the Masonic lodge, of which he had been Worshipful Master, but as the casket stood strewn with flowers, there no loving voices near to call him “father,” no loving little hands to press his brow, either in desperate illness or when death had at last claimed him for its own. The ruthless hand of a moral leper had robbed him even of this one last comfort, and he died without their presence.
The funeral services were held at the Episcopal church under the direction of the Masonic lodge, and was largely attended by members of the Elks lodge, of which he was a past Exalted Ruler. Rev. Mead delivered a touching address on the character of the man who was beyond the pale of all earthly troubles, and the remains were interred in the Masonic cemetery.
50Mr. Blake was one of nature’s noblemen, always a staunch friend in need and a citizen whose passing is a distinct loss to Flagstaff.
All that mortal hands could do was done by the Masonic lodge, of which he had been Worshipful Master, but as the casket stood strewn with flowers, there no loving voices near to call him “father,” no loving little hands to press his brow, either in desperate illness or when death had at last claimed him for its own. The ruthless hand of a moral leper had robbed him even of this one last comfort, and he died without their presence.
The funeral services were held at the Episcopal church under the direction of the Masonic lodge, and was largely attended by members of the Elks lodge, of which he was a past Exalted Ruler. Rev. Mead delivered a touching address on the character of the man who was beyond the pale of all earthly troubles, and the remains were interred in the Masonic cemetery.

On 21 November 2009 in Seattle, King County, Washington, Joseph M Flint wrote the following:
Finding the Gravesite of Jacob C. Blake
By Joseph M Flint
I found Jacob C. Blake’s obituary (above) at Northern Arizona University’s Cline Library in Flagstaff, Arizona. After getting over the shock of my great grandmother being called a moral leper on the front page of the paper, I realized that a reference had been made to Jacob C. Blake’s burial site. So I asked the staff at the library if they knew where the Masonic cemetery was located. They did not but said they would ask around.
Later that day they told me that they had determined that the Masonic cemetery was now part of Citizens Cemetery, the main non Catholic cemetery in town. This was not particularly good news as I had previously inquired of Citizens Cemetery if they had a record of Jacob C. Blake’s burial and they did not.
The next day, 17 October 2006, I was driving around Citizens Cemetery for no particular reason when I saw a sign with the Masonic square and compass and two arrows indicating an area of about a city block. I started to drive around the indicated section and for reason I cannot say I stopped the car and got out. I began what I can only describe as a “drunkard’s stagger”, wandering aimlessly from gravesite to gravesite. Within 3 minutes I walked up to of my great grandfather’s small grave marker.
Now I will admit it had been raining that day. But the instant I walked up to Jacob C. Blake’s gravesite it began to rain, it began to hail, and the wind began to blow. I have reason to believe I may have been the first family member to ever visit his gravesite. However, I am certain that Jacob wanted to be found and that I was somehow led to his final resting place.
53Later that day they told me that they had determined that the Masonic cemetery was now part of Citizens Cemetery, the main non Catholic cemetery in town. This was not particularly good news as I had previously inquired of Citizens Cemetery if they had a record of Jacob C. Blake’s burial and they did not.
The next day, 17 October 2006, I was driving around Citizens Cemetery for no particular reason when I saw a sign with the Masonic square and compass and two arrows indicating an area of about a city block. I started to drive around the indicated section and for reason I cannot say I stopped the car and got out. I began what I can only describe as a “drunkard’s stagger”, wandering aimlessly from gravesite to gravesite. Within 3 minutes I walked up to of my great grandfather’s small grave marker.
Now I will admit it had been raining that day. But the instant I walked up to Jacob C. Blake’s gravesite it began to rain, it began to hail, and the wind began to blow. I have reason to believe I may have been the first family member to ever visit his gravesite. However, I am certain that Jacob wanted to be found and that I was somehow led to his final resting place.
Children of Jacob C Blake and Martha Ella Barrett
- Elmer J Blake38 b. 16 Nov 1898, d. 14 Oct 1978
- Ernest C Blake38 b. 25 Nov 1899, d. 9 Jan 1989
- Athol Barrett Blake+ b. 18 Dec 1901, d. 15 Sep 2008
- Marjorie Jeanine Parker, Pedigree Charts of the Blake-Fisher Family, Chart 1 Number 4, supplied by Parker, Salt Lake City, Utah; preprinted pedigree charts with hand written entries and notes.
- Jeanie Blake, Blake - Barrett Family Photograph Album, privately held by Gary M Blake, Salt Lake City, Utah; Album pages scanned into digital images by Gary M Blake and Joseph M Flint on October 12, 2005. Individual photographs extracted from original digital images and basic enhancements done by Joseph M Flint.
- Arizona Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Death Certificate (1913), Jacob C Blake; Arizona State History and Archives Division of the Arizona State Library, Phoenix; digital imagae, Arizona Department of Health Services, Arizona Genealogy Birth and Death Certificates (http://genealogy.az.gov/ : accessed October 07 2006).
- "Las Vegas and Vicinity," (Las Vegas) New Mexico Herald, July 2. 1789, p page 2, col column 2; digital image, NewsBankinc, Genealogy Bank (http://www.genealogybank.com/gbnk/ : accessed 21 July 2013).
- (Las Vegas) New Mexico Herald, July 2. 1789, p page 1, col bottom of last column.
- San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1880; New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- 1880 U. S. census, San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, population schedule, Las Vegas Precinct No 5, Enumeration District 32, p. 5 (written) p. 291 (stamped), dwelling 40, family 49, Jacob C Blake; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com/ : accessed 02 Sep 2006); citing NARA microfilm publication T9, Roll 803.
- Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Optic, June 23 1880, p 2, col 2; Microfilm: Las Vegas Daily Optic Jan 20 1880 and June 23 1880 - Dec 31 1881. Dec 12-15 is missing, New Mexico State Library 1209 Camino Carlos Rey, Santa Fe, NM.
- Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Gazette, July 27 1880, p 2, col 3; digital image, NewsBankinc, Genealogy Bank (http://www.genealogybank.com/gbnk/ : accessed 02 Sep 2013).
- Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Optic, August 26 1880, p 3, col 4.
- Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Optic, September 20 1880, p 3, col 4.
- San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1881.
- "Optical Observations," The Daily Optic (Las Vegas, New Mexico), March 2 1881; FHL 16816.
- Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Gazette, September 20 1881, p 2.
- Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Gazette, December 4 1881, p 4.
- San Miguel County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1882.
- Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Gazette, September 2 1882, p 4.
- Albuquerque and Las Vegas Business Directory for 1883 (Albuquerque: Armijo Brothers & Borradaile Real Estate Agents, 1883), 83, 83; FHL microfilm 1,303,032.
- Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1883; New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Gazette, March 20 1883, p 4.
- Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1884; Microfilm: Lincoln County Assessment Roll #1 Start 1884 End 1887; New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1885.
- Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1886.
- Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1888; Microfilm: Lincoln County Assessment Roll #2 Start 1888 End 1890; New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1889.
- Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1890.
- Eddy County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1891; Microfilm: Eddy County Assessment Roll #1 Start 1891 End 1897; New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Eddy County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1892.
- Eddy County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1893.
- Eddy County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1894.
- Eddy County, New Mexico Territory, Assessment Roll, 1895.
- Beaver County, Oklahoma, marriage certificate (1897), J C Blake and Ella Barrett; in the possesion of A B Blake, Logan, Utah. Digital image by Joseph M Flint, 1 Sept 2002.
- "Local Gems," The Flagstaff (Arizona) Gem, July 21 1898, col 3rd column near bottom; Microforms: Flagstaff gem (Flagstaff, Ariz. : 1898) (DLC)sn 94050558, Cline Libarary, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.
- Coconino County, Arizonza, Deed Record, 5: 317-318, T H Ramsaur and Wife to J C Blake, Waranty Deed, 28 July 1898, Recorder's Office, Flagstaff, digital image by Joseph M Flint, 20 Oct 2006.
- Coconino County, Arizonza, Deed Record, 5: 358-359, James W Thurber and Wife to J C Blake, Waranty Deed, 13 Aug 1898.
- Coconino County, Arizona, Deed Record, Book 5: 544-545, J C Blake to Ella Blake, Waranty Deed, 22 Nov 1898, Recorder's Office, Flagstaff, digital image by Joseph M Flint, 20 Oct 2006.
- Coconino County, Arizonza, Deed Record, 5: 544-545, J C Blake to Ella Blake, Waranty Deed, 22 Nov 1898.
- 1900 U. S. census, Coconino County, Arizona Territory, Flagstaff Precinct, Town of Flagstaff, Enumeration District 14, p. 2 (written) p. 186 Back (stamped), dwelling 56, family 56, Jacob C Blake; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com/ : accessed 02 Sep 2006); citing NARA microfilm publication T623, Roll 45.
- "Coconino's Business Men," The Coconino Sun (Flagstaff Arizona), December 28 1901; Microfiim, F819.F5 C6, v.15:1 (1898)-v.77:30 (1959), Cline Libarary, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.
- Coconino County, Arizonza Territory, Great Registers, 1902: 2, Voter No. 76, Blake J C, Arizona Department of Libraries, Archives & Public Records. Phoenix; FHL Microfilm 2,111,296 Item 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Filmed by the Arizona Dept. of Libraries, Archives & Public Records, 1998.
- Coconino County, Arizonza Territory, Great Registers, 1906: 2, Voter No. 54, Blake J C, Arizona Department of Libraries, Archives & Public Records. Phoenix; FHL Microfilm 2,111,296 Item 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Filmed by the Arizona Dept. of Libraries, Archives & Public Records, 1998.
- Coconino County, Arizonza, Deed Record, 33: 58-59, J S Sanchez, E W Cobb and wife to J C Blake, Waranty Deed, 6 Apr 1907, Recorder's Office, Flagstaff, digital image by Joseph M Flint, 20 Oct 2006.
- Coconino County, Arizonza Territory, Great Registers, 1908: 2, Voter No. 75, Blake J C, Arizona Department of Libraries, Archives & Public Records. Phoenix; FHL Microfilm 2,111,296 Item 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Filmed by the Arizona Dept. of Libraries, Archives & Public Records, 1998.
- 1910 U. S. census, Coconino County, Arizona, Flagstaff Town, Enumeration District 24, p. 4 (written) p. 41 (stamped), dwelling 66, family 67, Jacob C Blake; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com/ : accessed 02 Sep 2006); citing NARA microfilm publication T624, Roll 39.
- Coconino County, Arizonza, Deed Record, 38: 474, R. J. Kidd. Trustee to J C Blake, Trustee's Deed, 15 Jan 1912, Recorder's Office, Flagstaff, digital image by Joseph M Flint, 20 Oct 2006.
- Coconino County, Arizonza, Deed Record, 38: 491, J C Blake and Wife to Pio and Nicolas Gortari, Waranty Deed, 6 Feb 1912, Recorder's Office, Flagstaff, digital image by Joseph M Flint, 20 Oct 2006.
- Coconino County, Arizonza, Deed Record, Book 5: 492, Ella Blake and Husband to Pio and Nicolas Gortari, Waranty Deed, 6 Feb 1912, Recorder's Office, Flagstaff, digital image by Joseph M Flint, 20 Oct 2006.
- Coconino County, Arizonza, Deed Record, 38: 571, J C Blake and Wife to W. H. Switzer, Waranty Deed, 3 Apr 1912, Recorder's Office, Flagstaff, digital image by Joseph M Flint, 20 Oct 2006.
- "Business Changes Hands," The Coconino Sun (Flagstaff Arizona), April 12 1912, p Front Page, col 4th column; Microfiim, F819.F5 C6, v.15:1 (1898)-v.77:30 (1959), Cline Libarary, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.
- "Mr. J. C. Blake Passes Away," The Coconino Sun (Flagstaff Arizona), October 10 1913, p Front Page, col 4th column; Microfiim, F819.F5 C6, v.15:1 (1898)-v.77:30 (1959), Cline Libarary, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.
- Coconino County, Arizonza, Superior Court Probate Cases no. 85 - 99, nos. 86 & 87, Jacob C Blake, Petition for Probate of Will, October 20, 1913; Arizona State Archives, Department of Library, Archives and Public Records, Phoenix; FHL Microfilm 2,051,637.
- Citizens Cemetery (Flagstaff, Coconino county, Arizona; Masonic section) Jacob C Blake marker, LAT/LON 35° 11' 7.128"N, 111° 39' 8.184"W; digital image by Joseph M Flint, 19 Oct 2006.
- Joseph M Flint, "Finding the Gravesite of Jacob C. Blake,", unpublished.