Anna Margaretha Lapp1
b. say 1687
Last Edited=2 Jun 2013
- Relationship
- 7th great-grandmother of Joseph Michael Flint
Anna Margaretha Lapp was born say 1687. (Birth year estimate based on the assumption she was 20 years old when she married). She was the daughter of Hans Georg Lapp and Agnes (?).1,2
Anna Margaretha Lapp married Johann Kugel in 1707
  at Unteröwisheim, Duchy of Wurttemberg, Holy Roman Empire.1
Anna Margaretha Lapp married Johan Adam Bauman, son of Johan Peter Bauman and Anna Magdalena Sommer, on 6 March 1711 at West Camp, New York.3
Anna Margaretha Lapp married Johann Kugel in 1707

Anna Margaretha Lapp married Johan Adam Bauman, son of Johan Peter Bauman and Anna Magdalena Sommer, on 6 March 1711 at West Camp, New York.3
Children of Anna Margaretha Lapp and Johann Kugel
- Anna Maria Kugel1 b. 28 Jun 1707, d. 2 Nov 1707
- Hans Caspar Kugel1 b. 23 May 1708, d. 23 May 1708
- Maria Catherine Kugel1 b. 23 May 1708, d. 29 May 1708
Children of Anna Margaretha Lapp and Johan Adam Bauman
- Susanna Bauman+ b. s 1712;that Susanna was the daughter of Anna Margaretha is my opiniom based on Susanna's estimated birth year and the date of the marraige of Anna Margaretha and Johan Adam Bauman
- Maria Catherine Bauman4 b. 9 Jun 1717
- Henry Z. Jones Jr., The Palatine Families of New York - A Study of the German Immigrants Who Arrived in Colonial New York in 1710 (Camden, Maine: Picton Press, 1985), 486-487.
- Henry Z. Jones Jr., The Palatine Families of New York, 521.
- Henry Z. Jones Jr., The Palatine Families of New York, 35 "Adam Baumann, widower and butcher of Bacherach-on-the-Rhine, md. AnnaMargretha, wid/o Johan Kugel of Unter-Owisheim in the comunneMaulbronner, duchy of Wurtemberg 6 Mar 1711 (West Camp Luth. Chbk.)."
- Henry Z. Jones Jr., The Palatine Families of New York, 36.