Gabriel Schuler was born say 1685 in Germany
G Assuming he was in his twenties when he immigrated. The date given in Find a Grave would have made him 107 at his death which seems unlikely.
1 Gabriel Schuler was naturalized on 28 September 1709 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, He and other Germans naturalized by an Act of the Assembly. On the first list Gabriel's surname is spelled Senders but on the second list it is spelled Schuler.
2,3 Gabriel Schuler married
Margaret Rodes on 17 September 1711 in First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
David Powell on 10 September 1717 recieved a Pennsylvania land warrant for 3000 acres of property located in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, at a cost of 300 pounds plus 1 shilling per 100 acres yearly quit rent. To be surveyed in 6 or less parcels.
Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Shooler, in December 1717 obtained a Pennsylvania Land Survey for 104 acres located in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
- Beginning at a post at the corner of Clause Johnson's land.
- Then by the same North West 110 perches to a post.
- Then South West 152 perches to post in the line of Hans Reiff's land.
- Then by the same South East 110 perches to a post.
- Then North East 152 perches to the beginning.
The survey was made under the warrant by David Powell above.
Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Shouler of German Township, on 24 February 1717/18 in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, recieved a Deed Pole from
David Powell, for an unknown amount, for the rights to the 100 acres that was surveyed in Dec 1717.
9 Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Schuiler, in July 1728 in Pennsylvania
G signed a letter to the Classis of the Dutch Reformed Church in Amsterdam asking that John Phillip Boehm be ordained. Among the other signers were
William Dewees,
George Phillip Dotterer, and
Frederick Antes.
10 Gabriel Schuler
William Dewees and
Frederick Antes witnessed the ordination of
John Philip Boehm on 23 November 1729.
11 Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Showlar, on 14 March 1733/34 recieved a Pennsylvania Land Warrant for 200 acres of property located in Old Cowosohoppin, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, at a cost of 15 pounds 10 shillings per 100 acres and a quit rent of 1/2 penny sterling for each acre.
Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Shooler, on 25 March 1734 obtained a Pennsylvania Land Survey for 200 acres located in Old Cowosohoppin, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
- Beginning at a post at the corner of Joseph Groves land.
- Then by the same North East 214 perches to another corner of Groves land.
- Then by vacant land the same direction 37 perches to a post.
- Then by vacant land South East 146 perches to stone on the East bank of Swamp Creek.
- Then by vacant land South West 160 perches to a white oak.
- Then by vacant land North West 30 perches to a post.
- Then by vacant land South West 91 perches to a white oak.
- Then by vacant land North West 116 perches to beginning.
Survey made under the warrant issued to Gabriel on 14 Mar 1733/4.
Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Shouler, on 5 April 1734 recieved a Pennsylvania Land Warrant for 180 acres of property located in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, at a cost of 29 pounds 9 shillings and a yearly quit rent of 1/2 penny sterling for each acre. This was to be surveyed in two parcels of vacant land either side of the land surveyed in Dec 1717.
Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Shooler, on 15 April 1734 obtained a Pennsylvania Land Survey for 181 acres in 2 tracts located in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
Tract 1 Containing 89 acres
- Beginning at a dead black oak.
- Then North West 40 perches by vacant land to the corner of Hans Rieff's land.
- Then by the same North West 71 perches to the corner of Gabriel Shooler's land obtained form David Powells's warrant of 1717.
- Then by the same North East 137 perches to the corner of Casper Wisters's Land.
- Then by the same South East 111 perches.
- Then South West 39 perches by vacant land to the corner of Jacob Rieff's land.
- Then by the same South West 98 perches to beginning.
Actual size 95 acres
Tract 2 Containing 92 acres
- Beginning at post in the line of Hans Riff's land.
- Then by the same North West 107 perches to post by Christian Allowback land.
- Then by the same North East 133 perches to post in the line of Isaac Glin's land.
- Then by the same South East 40 perches to a corner of Isaac Glin's land.
- Then by the same North East 22 perches to a corner of John Johnson's land.
- Then by the same South East 67 perches to the corner of Gabriel Shooler's land obtained form David Powells's warrant of 1717.
- Then by the same South West 155 perches to beginning.
Survey made under the warrant issued to Gabriel on 5 Apr 1734.
Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Shouler, on 25 July 1734 recieved a Pennsylvania Land Patent for property located in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G. Described as the 100 acres of land surveyed Dec 1717 under David Powell's Warrant. He paid 10 pounds.
Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Shouler, on 25 July 1734 recieved a Pennsylvania Land Patent for property located in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G. Described as the 181 acres of land surveyed 15 Apr 1734.
Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Shouler, on 13 February 1734/35 recieved a Pennsylvania Land Patent for property located in Old Cowosohoppin, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G. Described as the 200 acres of land surveyed 25 Mar 1734.
Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Scholer of Salford, Inn Holder, on 12 January 1739/40 purchased property located in Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, from
Caspar Wistar and
Catherine Jansen, for 101 pounds, 14 shillings. Described as 101 acres and 143 perches
- Beginning at a post at the corner of Caspar Wistar's other land in the line of John Johnson's land
- Then South West 238 perches by the land of John Johnson and Gabriel to a post
- Then South East 68.5 perches to a post
- Then North East 238 perches to a post and stone at a corner of Hoffman's land
- Then North West 68.5 perches to beginning.20
Gabriel Schuler married
Catherine say 1745.
21 Gabriel Schuler, as
Gabriel Shouler of Salford in the County of Philadelphia, Tavern Keeper, and
Catherine, as
Catherine Shouler his wife, on 20 December 1745 sold property located in Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, to
Samuel Schuler for 100 pounds and natural affection. Described as being in Marlborough, Philadelphia County, containing a grist mill, an oil mill, and a parcel of 200 acres of land plus 6% for roads with a quit rent of one halfpenny Sterling for every acre. This the same 200 acres that Gabriel Schuler received that patent for on 13 Feb 1734/5.
21 Gabriel Schuler and
Catherine on 17 May 1755 sold property located in Towamencin Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, to
William Schuler,
Elizabeth Tyson,
Frederick Antes, and
Barbara Tyson for 50 pounds and natural affection. Described as being 118.5 acres owned by Peter Tyson, the deceased father of Elizabeth and Barbara, and inherited by their mother Catherine.
22 About 1758 Gabriel Schuler was listed as a member of Reformed Church, Old Goshenhoppen, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
Samuel Schuler and
Daniel Hiester were also listed as members.
23 About 1762 Gabriel Schuler was listed as a member of Reformed Church, Old Goshenhoppen, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Samuel Schuler and
William Schuler were also listed as members.
24 In 1769 at Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, for the 18 Penny Tax; Gabriel Schuler was recorded, as Gabriel Shouler, with a real and personal estate valued at £21 4s. His dwelling and 300 acres of land was assessed at yearly rental value of £32. 60% of which or £19. 4s. was subject to the tax. A cow had a tax value of 6s. 8p. One third of £5 rent was assessed at £1. 13s. 4p.
25,26 Gabriel Schuler, as
Gabriel Shouler Senior, and
Catherine, as
Catharine Shouler his wife, on 31 March 1770 sold property located in Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, to
Gabriel Schuler for £300. Described as 3 parcels of land in Lower Salford.
Parcel 1 Containing 92 acres and an the allowance at 6% for road and Highways
- Beginning at a corner of Jacob Clemens land
- Then North East 133 Perches by the same to a stone in Gabriel Klind's land
- Then South East 40 Perches by the same to a stone
- Then North East 22 Perches to a stone in the corner of John Johnson's land
- Then South East 67 Perches by the same to a stone in the corner of Gabiel Sr. other land
- Then South West 155 Perches by the same to a stone in the line of Peter Fried's land
- Then North West 107 Perches by the same and land of Frederick Alderffer to beginning
Parcel 2 Containing 40 acres and an the allowance at 6% for road and Highways
- Beginning at stone at the corner of first parcel
- Then North East 155 Perches by the same to a stone in the line of John Johnson's land
- Then South East 30 Perches by the same to a stone set at the corner of Gabriel Sr other land
- Then South 25 degrees West 69 Perches by the same to a stone
- Then North 70 degrees West 12 Perches to a stone
- Then South 13 degrees West 13 Perches to a stone
- Then South 51 degrees West 75.5 Perches to a stone in the line of Peter Freid's land
- Then North West 41.5 Perches by the same to beginning
Parcel 3 Containing 59 acres and 95 perches
- Beginning at stone at the corner of John Johnson's land
- Then North East 220 Perches by the same to a stone
- Then South East 68.5 Perches by other land to a stone in the line of George Hendick's land
- Then South West 138 Perches by the same and Benhard Getz's land to a stone set at the corner of Gabriel Sr other land
- Then North West 67.5 Perches by the same to a stone
- Then South West 82 Perches to a stone in the middle of the road to Philadelphia
- Then North West 1 Perches upwards the same to beginning.27
Gabriel Schuler and
Catherine on 7 April 1770 sold property located in Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, to
John Schuler for an unknown amount. Probably the same terms his brother Gabriel received. The deed does not appear to have been recorded. The description of the 215.5 acres is found when John sold the property in 1775 to Peter Fried.
28 On 8 April 1774 at Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, for the 18 Penny Tax; Gabriel Schuler was recorded, as Gabriel Shooler, with a real and personal estate valued at £10 16s. His dwelling and 190 acres of land was assessed at yearly rental value of £18, 60% of which or £10. 16s. was subject to the tax.
29,30 Gabriel Schuler wrote a will on 15 February 1776 in Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, executors
Gabriel Schuler and
Nicholas Rile, witnesses
Melchior Wagener.
He made the following bequests.
Each grandson Gabriel Schuler and John Schuler to pay 300 pounds to the executors in exchange for each receiving half of the property. This money had already been paid to their mother, Elizabeth.31,32 Trusted friend Daniel Price the role of guardian of grandson Henry. The will says David Price but I can't find a David only Daniel who was appointed guardian by the Orphans Court for the City and County of Philadelphia in the summer of 1775. He along with the other guardian Elizabeth Schuler were to invest the money from the sale of the land and money due William and Henry from their father's estate.31,32 Widow of son William Elizabeth Tyson the role of guardian of grandson William. She was already appointed guardian by the Orphans Court for the City and County of Philadelphia in the summer of 1775. She was to live and have free access to any of his (Gabriel Sr) dwellings: was to have use of the kitchen garden; was to be able to keep two cows which were to be provided feed summer and winter; was to be provided with suitable fire wood: to have the proceeds of two instruments of writing date 1 Aug 1775 between him [Gabriel Sr], his grandson Gabriel and Peter Freed for one year after his death. She was to receive 300 pounds as her share of husband William's estate. In consideration of her taking care of him in his old age, she to receive all interest on outstanding debts for one year and any remaining assets after all other bequest have been made. She along with the other guardian Daniel Price were to invest the money from the sale of the land and money due William and Henry from their father's estate. When the William and Henry reach age 20 they are to receive the principal and interest due them.31,32 Grandsons William Schuler and Henry Schuler when age 20, to receive half of the principal and interest invested by the guardians.31,32 Granddaughter Margaret Schuler,now wife of Nicholas Rile, 150 pounds.31,32 Granddaughter Catherine Schuler,now wife of Frederick Antes, 150 pounds.31,32 Each grandchild Anna Maria Antes and Henry Antes,children of deceased daughter [step daughter] Barbara Tyson, 2 pounds.31,32 Children Catharina Schuler, Christina Schuler, and Samuel Schuler nothing having already received a full share of the estate.31,32 Gabriel Schuler died before 3 November 1779 in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
1,31,32 Gabriel Schuler was buried in Reiff's Church Cemetery, Skippack, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

1 His will was proved on 3 November 1779 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania