John Nicolaus Eitemueller was born on 1 March 1723 in Franconian Crumbach, Germany
1 He was also known as Nicholas Eidemiller.
2 John Nicolaus Eitemueller married
Eva Elizabeth Muth about February 1754.
1 John Nicolaus Eitemueller arrived at Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, on 30 September 1754 on the ship Neptune from Rotterdam.
3 In 1769 at Marlborough Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, for the 12th of the 18 Penny Tax; John Nicolaus Eitemueller was recorded, as Nicholas Eidemiller, with a real and personal estate valued at £4 6s. 8p. His dwelling and 21 acres of land was assessed at yearly rental value of £5. 60% of which or £3. was subject to the tax. A Horse and 2 Cows were rated at £1 6s. 8p.
4 In 1774 at Marlborough Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, John Nicolaus Eitemueller was assessed.
5 John Nicolaus Eitemueller married
Catherine Lenn on 16 December 1777 in Lutheran Church, Old Goshenhoppen, Montgomery, Pennsylvania
6 John Nicolaus Eitemueller wrote a will on 21 April 1787 in Marlborough Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
G, executors
Jacob Karver and
Henry Snyder, witnesses
Christian Sheid and
Michael Croll.
He made the following bequests.
2 wife Catherine Lenn all of the personal estate not needed for debts and to be able to live on the property until she dies or remarries.2 Youngest son Jacob Eitemueller after Catherine dies all the personal property she brought to the marriage.2 After his widow Catherine dies all real personal property to be sold. children Eva Catharina Eitemueller, Phillip Eitemueller, and Jacob Eitemueller,heirs of Michael Eitemueller, share proceeds equally.2 Eldest son Michael Eitemueller one English Shilling as he has always been an undutiful son. John Nicolaus Eitemueller died before 28 September 1787 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
2 His will was admitted to probate on 29 September 1787 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania