Elizabeth Antes was born on 17 February 1757.
1 A Marriage License was granted to Elizabeth Antes and
John Schuler on 8 March 1775 in Pennsylvania
1,2 Elizabeth Antes married
John Schuler, son of
William Schuler and
Elizabeth Tyson, on 4 April 1775 in German Reformed Church, Philadelphia, Pennsyvania
3 Elizabeth Antes, as
Elizabeth Schuller, his wife, and
John Schuler, as
John Schuller of New Hanover Township, on 3 May 1775 sold property located in Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, to
Peter Freed for 1025 pounds. Described as 215.5 Acres
- Beginning at a stone in North Wales road leading to Philadelphia
- Then South 21 degrees West 74 Perches by land of Gabriel Schuler the Younger to a stone
- Then North 71 degrees West 12 Perches to a stone
- Then South 11 degrees West 13 Perches to a stone
- Then South 48 degrees West 74.5 Perches to a stone
- Then South 48 degrees East 187 Perches by Peter Fried's land and Phillip Stang's land to a marked Black Oak
- Then North 41 degrees East 147 Perches by Phillip Stang's land to a stone
- Then North 49 degrees West 47 Perches to a stone
- Then North 41 degrees East 98 Perches to a post
- Then North 49 degrees West 68 Perches by land of Gabriel Schuler the Younger to a post
- Then South 41 degrees West 82 Perches by the same to a post
- Then North 49 degrees West 82 Perches up road and the late John Johnson's land to beginning.4
Elizabeth Antes, as
Elizabeth Schuller his wife, and
John Schuler, as
John Shuller of the Township of Point in the County of Northumberland and State of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, on 2 January 1793 sold property located in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania
G, to
Eleanor Dougherty for £45. Described as Lot 11 in the Town of Northumberland, situated on Water Street. This is the same property John purchased in 1778.
Recorded 6 May 1863.
5 William Antes wrote a will on 26 August 1805 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York
G. Elizabeth Antes was bequeathed 1/3 of 2/3 of personal estate after debts are paid.
6 Elizabeth Antes, as
Elizabeth Shuler, his wife, and
John Schuler, as
John Shuler, on 28 April 1808 sold property located in Ontario County, New York
G, to
John Schuler for $300. Described as the south part of lot 6 in township 10, range 2 in Ontario County, New York containing 50 acres.
7 Elizabeth Antes, as
Elizabeth Shuler, and
John Schuler, as
John Shuler, and
John Schuler, as
John Shuler Jur., on 5 December 1811 sold property located in Ontario County, New York
G, to
William Dillion for $435. Described as part of lot 6 in township 10, range 2,
- Beginning at the South East corner.
- Then West about 74 chains and 50 rods to stake 8 rods from the South West corner
- Then Northerly parallel to the Canandaigua Outlet 40 rods
- Then West to the center of the Outlet
- Then Northerly along the center of the Outlet to point 12 chains and 94 links from the South line
- Then East parallel to the South line 64 chains to stake in the East line
- Then South 12 chains and 94 links to beginning.
Containing 87 acres more or less.
8 Elizabeth Antes, as Elizabeth Shuler, on 30 June 1815 purchased property located in Ontario County, New York
G, from
Nathaniel Gorham and
Ruthy Wood, for $266. Described as the south half of lot 61 in township 10, third range of towns in Ontario County.
9 Elizabeth Antes, as
Elizabeth Shuler, his wife, and
John Schuler, as
John Shuler, on 21 June 1824 sold property located in Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York
G, to
Elizabeth Schuler for $1.00. Described as the south half of lot 61 in township 10, third range of towns in Ontario County. Witnessed by
William Antes.
10 Elizabeth Antes died on 5 July 1825, at age 68.
11 Elizabeth Antes was buried in Pioneer Cemetery, Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York
