Christian Scheid was born on 12 December 1736.
1 Christian Scheid was also known as Johan Christian Scheidt.
1 Christian Scheid on 30 April 1764 purchased property located in Marlborough Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, from.
2 In 1769 at Marlborough Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, for the 18 Penny Tax; Christian Scheid was recorded, as Christian Sheip sadler, with a real and personal estate valued at £3 14s. 8p. His dwelling and 29 acres of land was assessed at yearly rental value of £4. 60% of which or £2. 8s. was subject to the tax. 1 Horse and 2 cows had a tax value of £1. 6s. 8p.
3 Christian Scheid on 15 February 1776 purchased property located in Marlborough Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, from
Gabriel Schuler, as Gabriel Shouler, and
Benjamin Schuler, as Benjamin Schuller, for 1511 pounds. Described as two tracts of land. The first in Marlborough Township containing 200 acres. This is the same tract sold to Samuel by his father on 20 Dec 1745. The second in Upper Salford Township containing 1 acre and 43 perches. Samuel bought the second parcel from William Smith 2 Apr 1759. Both Gabriel and Benjamin were of Marlborough Township, Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania and were selling the land as executors of their father's will. Witnessed by
Frederick Antes.
4 Christian Scheid, as
Christian Scheid of Marlborough Township, Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania, Sadler, and
Mary Elizabeth Meu, as
Mary Elizabeth Scheid, his wife, on 25 February 1776 sold property located in Marlborough Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
G, to
Benjamin Schuler for 1515 pounds. Described as a grist and oil mill plantation and two tracts of land.
The first in Marlborough Township containing 193.5 acres and the usual allowances.
4 Christian Scheid wrote a will on 6 April 1810 in Marlborough Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
He made the following bequests.
5 Christian Scheid died on 15 June 1821, at age 84, in Marlborough Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
1 Christian Scheid was buried in Old Goshenhoppen Cemetery, Woxall, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

1 His will was admitted to probate on 4 July 1821 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania